Monday, January 30, 2012


Probably one of the many reasons for which I'm always late is that I don't have a daily routine. I don't wake up everyday at the same time, I don't have breakfast everyday with the same food, I don't have any type of beauty routine (and that's why I can't properly use make-up), I just do what I fell at the moment.

You might think it's a good thing but it's not. 

 I'll explain you why. First of all, for the six months I've been working I've never make it to the office at the same hour for more than 2 or 3 days in a row or at the time I wanted to be there. Second, every time I have to go out I've to look for my watch; my wallet; my cellphones and everything else I might need, all over the apartment. Third, I forget to water the plants and they die.
So from now on I decided I'll have a routine which will include: do yoga exercises of WII-fit, study for the lectures of the next day, do some household chores (so I wont do treasure hunts before going out) and water the plants. 
If I'll really "develop" such a daily routine, probably, this year I'll manage to be in shape, get better grades, not being late... and keep my plants alive. :\


  1. tutti i giorni annaffiare piante no buono tesoro mio, piante muoiono comunque.
    tutti i giorni yoga invece si' e' buono :)
    a me un po' manca il tuo ingresso in ufficio mentre ti siedi guardi l'ora e gia' sbuffi perche' non e' l'ora a cui volevi arrivare :)

    1. Bhè quanto meno buttargli un occhio tutti i giorni per vedere se sono ancora vive :D
      ..a me manca arrivare in ufficio :\
